Jon vs Food: The 12-Egg Omelette at Beth’s Cafe

Beth's Cafe

If I haven’t already covered this before: I love to eat a lot.  And by that I mean I like to eat large amounts of food until I’m incapacitated for several hours.

I blame it on my mom.  For all of my life, she’s made way too much for dinner and then guilted me into having more because “it’s not good the day after” and “I’m just going to throw it away.”  Now I’m the guy who takes satisfaction in finishing off everyone else’s plates to attain some sort of supremacy that only I may really care about.

All of this is a poor lead-in to the topic for today: food challenges.  I love them.  I eat up reruns of Man vs Food (re-read for great pun) and scour the internet for local challenges that I can get in on.  Seattle’s most well-known food challenge, and the one that I will be attempting at present, is the 12-Egg Omelette at Beth’s Cafe. Continue reading