A Valentine’s Day retrospective: Pot-Au-Feu


This Valentine’s Day my girlfriend and I decided we were going to skip the traditional song and dance. Yes, it is a very manufactured holiday and it seems silly to go out and spend a bunch of money on a bouquet of roses and a fancy dinner. On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with having an excuse for a romantic evening together. Instead of going out we decided to just make something at home. That way we could have a nice dinner together and also try a new recipe in the kitchen.

A couple weeks before the day my girlfriend made a suggestion: “What about pot-au-feu?” She knows just how to appeal to my Francophile tendencies. Translated as “pot on the fire”, pot-au-feu is a classic French stew composed of cuts of meat, bones, root vegetables, and herbs. On top of my interest in French cuisine, my girlfriend has fond memories of the dish from studying abroad in France in college. Continue reading